(Updated as of 27 September 2024)

The Philippine Consulate General in Osaka provides notarial services primarily for Philippine citizens in western Japan intending to submit notarized documents normally intended for use in the Philippines.

Notarial Services include the following:

  • Special Power of Attorney (SPA)
  • Affidavits such as Affidavit of Support, Affidavit of Consent to Travel, Affidavit of Civil Status (whether you are divorced or married), and Affidavit of Citizenship, etc.
  • Other Legal Documents

Please note that notarial services as provided by the Consular Section DO NOT cover crafting legal documents, drawing wills, powers of attorney, deeds, and documents of similar nature on behalf of the transacting public. It is the responsibility of the party availing of the legalization services to craft their own documents based on their purpose and/or the requirements of the Philippine-based office to which the notarized documents are to be submitted.

However, you can use some of the downloadable forms for your transaction.

Appointment at the Consulate

No appointment is needed when you apply at the Consulate but kindly observe the following walk-in schedule as follows:

  • Mondays to Thursdays -12:30 pm to 4:00 pm
  • Fridays - 9:30 am - 1:00 pm

For booking at any of the Consular Outreach, please click here and choose Notarial Services.

 For General Notarial Requirements click here

For Sponsored Travel requiring an Affidavit of Support & Guarantee click here

For the Provisional Certificate of the Philippine Registry click here

Processing Period: 

For Express, with an additional payment of 1,500 yen you can get your document within the day subject to the availability of the signing Officer.

For Regular processing, you can get your documents within five (5) to seven (7) working days from the date of application provided that all documents submitted are complete and authentic. The document will be delivered via JP Post.

Application Fees

  •  ¥ 3,750 per document

For inquiries: notarialsThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Filipino citizens who need their personal documents legalized but are unable to appear in person at the Consulate for consular notarization can instead have their documents apostilled. 

For details on how to obtain an Apostille, please check this link from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs:  https://www.mofa.go.jp/ca/cs/page22e_000416.html