A foreign national who will be traveling to the Philippines for a legitimate, nonimmigrant purpose such as sightseeing, sports, training or study (excluding enrollment in schools for the purpose of obtaining a title of degree), business, cultural and scientific purposes.


1. Duly accomplished Non-Immigrant Visa Form
2. Original and one (1) photocopy of passport data page valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines.
3. Original and one (1) photocopy of Japanese Residence Card. For Japanese nationals, you may submit a valid driver’s license and/or My Number.
4. Duly accomplished Personal History Form
5. Duly accomplished Visa Undertaking Form 
6. Itinerary in the Philippines


If employed:
1. Original Bank Certificate (not a screenshot of bank book transactions).
2. Original and Certificate of Employment with English translation, workplace name and address, nature of employment, position and financial remuneration.

If self-employed / company owner:
Original and updated Certificate of Business Registration issued by the Japanese government with English translation.

If retired / unemployed:
1. Original Bank Certificate (not a screenshot of bank book transactions).
2. Guarantee Letter Guarantee Letter_Visa.docx (dfa.gov.ph)

If a student:
1.Original Certificate of Enrollment with English translation.
2. Guarantee Letter from spouse or parents or guarantor with copy of his/her valid passport or driver’s license or residence card.

For Chinese nationals:
1. Residence permit or proof of legal residence with English translation.
2. Chinese Social Insurance Record Certificate or the equivalent social insurance issued in Japan with English translation.

Traveling for business:
If traveling as a company representative, Letter of Endorsement from the Japan-based company / employer certifying the visa applicant’s employment with the company, purpose of travel / nature of business trip to the Philippines, flight details, and place of residence / hotel while in the Philippines. Submit a copy of valid ID of the signatory / employer.

If invited by a Philippine-based company, a Letter of Invitation with the focal person’s complete name and contact details, flight details, and place of residence/hotel while in the Philippines, and guarantee the traveler’ compliance with Philippine laws.. Submit a copy of the valid ID of the focal person / contact person in the Philippines.

Traveling to attend a conference, training, workshop, short term study:
Invitation Letter / Acceptance Letter from the organizer / agency / office / school / institutions in the Philippines.

Multiple Entries:
Letter of Application addressed to the Consul General - state your reason / purpose / nature of travel, indicate if applying for a 6-month or 1-year multiple-entry visa, and guarantor's full name and contact details in the Philippines.