Importation of Live Pet Animals to the Philippines

For Dogs and Cats

    1. Kindly visit the website of Japan’s Animal Quarantine Service at regarding exporting of pets from Japan.
    2. Upon arrival at the ports of entry at airport or seaport, present the following documents to the Veterinary Quarantine Personnel:
      • Import Permits - Issued prior to departure for the Philippines by the:
Bureau of Animal Industry
Department of Agriculture
Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City
Fax No. (632) 9270031 or 9266866
Tel No. (632) 9282743 or 9282836
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • Export Quarantine Certificate from the Animal Quarantine Service of Japan.

Procedures in Applying for Import Permits

  1. Write the Director of Bureau of Animal Industry (above address) for issuance of Import Permit. In the application letter, indicate the number of animals to be imported, the sex, age and breed; and also the possible date of arrival, mode of transport-aircraft / flight number.
  2. To apply online for an import permit for pet dogs and cats, please visit the official website of the Department of Agriculture,
  3. Upon receipt of the application, the BAI will process and issue the Import Permit and immediately send the same to the applicant by mail or by facsimile.
  4. Payment of Import Permit Issuance Fee of P100.00 and Quarantine Inspection Fee or Landing Permit Fee of P250.00 will be made to the Quarantine Office upon arrival at port of entry. (Fees are subject to change without prior notice).