As of  27 December 2024

The following Philippine and Japanese holidays will be observed by the Philippine Consulate General in Osaka in 2025.

The public is advised that the Consulate will be CLOSED during these holidays:

 Philippine Holiday  Japanese Holiday 
01 January (Wednesday) - New Year Holiday 02 January (Thursday) - Building Maintenance (MID Tower)
03 January (Friday) - Building Maintenance (MID Tower)
13 January (Monday) - Coming of Age Day
24 February (Monday) - Emperor's Birthday
17 April (Thursday) - Maundy Thursday
18 April (Friday) - Good Friday
05 May (Monday) - Children's Day
06 May (Tuesday) - Greenery Day
21 July (Monday) - Marine Day
11 August (Monday) - Mountain Day
 25 August (Monday) - National Heroes Day 15 September (Monday) - Respect for the Aged Day
13 October (Monday) - Health & Sports Day
03 November (Monday) - Culture Day
24 November (Monday) Labour Thanksgiving Day
25 December (Thursday) - Christmas Day
26 December (Friday) Day After Christmas
30 December (Tuesday) - Rizal Day
31 December (Wednesday) - Last Day of the Year